The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.
Bob Moawad~

Saturday 31 January 2009

let da stories continue


talking bout holiday

i gonna be home

so, seldom update ma lovly blog...

jus copy and paste

a wise good articles...

but now

here i'm

in college...

so many upcoming events


so, let the

wise, cool,

stories fill

each section k...


typing in kedah...

means that

i'm already in college




Tuesday 27 January 2009

ayat 1000 dinar

Barangsiapa bertakwa kepada Allah, nescaya Dia akan mengadakan baginya jalan keluar.
Dan memberi rezeki kepadanya tanpa di sangka-sangka.
Dan barangsiapa yang bertawakal kepada Allah, nescaya Allah akan mencukupkannya.
Sesungguhnya Allah melaksanakan urusan yang dikehendakiNya.
Sesungguhnya Allah telah mengadakan ketentuan bagi tiap-tiap sesuatu.

and again...$$

The Gift Of Knowing You

There are gifts of many treasures
For both the young and old,
From the tiniest little trinkets
To great boxes filled with gold.

But, put them all together
And they could not stand in lieu,
Of the greatest gift of all
The gift of knowing you.

When your times are filled with troubles
Sadness, grief, or even doubt,
When all those things you planned on
Just aren't turning out.

Just turn and look behind you
From the place at which you stand,
And look for me through the shadows
And reach out for my hand.

I will lift from you your burden
And cry for you your tears,
Bear the pain of all your sorrows
Though it may be for a thousand years.

For in the end I would be happy
To have helped you start anew,
It's a small price to pay
For the gift of knowing you.

- Dave Stout -


A Friend's Greeting

I'd like to be the sort of friend that
you have been to me;
I'd like to be the help that
you've been always glad to be;

I'd like to mean as much to you
each minute of the day
As you have meant, old friend of mine,
to me along the way.

I'd like to do the big things and
the splendid things for you,
To brush the gray from out your skies
and leave them only blue;

I'd like to say the kindly things that
I so oft have heard,
And feel that I could rouse your soul
the way that mine you've stirred.

I'd like to give you back the joy
that you have given me,
Yet that were wishing you a need
I hope will never be;

I'd like to make you feel as rich as I,
who travel on
Undaunted in the darkest hours with you to
lean upon.

I'm wishing at this time that I
could but repay
A portion of the gladness that
you've strewn along my way;

And could I have one wish this year,
this only would it be:
I'd like to be the sort of friend
that you have been to me.

- Edgar A Guest -

renungan HAWA..

Rama-Rama dan Wanita

Dr. HM Tuah
editor : kasihsayang

Lihatlah rama-rama, ia cantik. Apabila pandangan kita dihiasi rama-rama, kita menjadi suka dan ceria. Hampir semua orang akan tersenyum melihat rama-rama. Ia mengindahkan alam dan menyempurnakan sekuntum bunga. Seindah mana pun bunga tanpa rama-rama mahu hinggap di situ, tentu ada sesuatu yang tidak kena.

Cubalah tangkap dan pegang rama-rama itu dengan sayapnya. Lihat apa yang melekat di jari anda,warna dan corak rama-rama itu telah berpindah ke jari-jari anda. Kemudian lepaskan kembali, ia terbang tapi lebih terbuai oleh angin. Siapa pun yang akan menangkapnya kembali tidak tertarik padanya lagi. Harganya telah tiada untuk dikagumi, disimpan mahukan diawetkan.

Rama-rama ibarat wanita. Ia indah untuk dipegang tetapi nilainya cepat turun setiap kali ada tangan- tangan yang tidak wajar hinggap pada tubuhnya. Memang fizikalnya tiada apa-apa yang kurang, tapi harga diri dan maruah telah mula tercemar. Begitulah wanita. Ia bagaikan rama-rama yang terbang membawa corak-corak indah, apabila corak-corak itu telah pudar ia tidak dipedulikan lagi. Harga rama-rama terletak pada warna dan coraknya; harga wanita terletak pada apakah tubuhnya masih tulen tatkala dia didampingi oleh suaminya.

Rama-rama terpaksa berjuang untuk memulakan hidupnya. Dia terpaksa membebaskan diri daripada kepompong. Bukan mudah untuk keluar daripada kepompong yang mengikat itu. Sedangkan sepanjang berada di dalam kepompong tiada siapa pedulikannya, malah tatkala bergelar ulat ia lebih dibenci.

Sulitnya untuk akhirnya bergelar rama-rama. Terpaksa melalui kitaran dan evolusi bentuk. Daripada sesuatu yang menjijikan akhirnya bertukar menjadi sesuatu yang amat menyenangkan. Rama-rama adalah contoh terbaik wanita untuk sedar betapa bernilainya kehidupan mereka. Sewaktu anda dipuja, usah terlalu mabuk sebaliknya kenang-kenang kehidupan serba susah sebelum itu. Sewaktu anda digoda, dihambat dan dirayu usah terlalu mudah menyerah sebab ingatlah mereka yang bersusah payah memastikan anda dapat bangkit sebagai manusia sempurna hari ini. Anda tidak muncul sendiri, sebaliknya anda adalah lambang pengorbanan ibu bapa.

Usah jadi rama-rama yang di dalam bingkai gambar, indah dipandang tetapi diri sendiri menanggung beban. Hiduplah dengan bebas dan terjemahkan kebebasan itu kepada nilai-nilai murni yang perlu dipertahankan. Hak anda ialah memelihara kehormatan. Selama mana anda memelihara kehormatan dan maruah diri anda berada pada terbaik, sebaik sahaja anda tidak peduli kepada siapa maruah itu hendak diberikan, anda sudah kehilangan masa depan. postman-butterfly Kalaulah rama-rama tahu dia cantik dan sentiasa memukau penglihatan manusia, dia tentu tidak mudah-mudah terbang ke sana sini. Sebab setiap kali ia mengibarkan sayapnya, ia sentiasa terdedah pada bahaya. Namun rama-rama tidak pernah tahu dia itu indah dan sentiasa menjadi sasaran manusia. Jika anda tidak pernah tahu kewanitaan anda itu adalah sasaran terpenting sang penceroboh, anda ibarat rama-rama yang tidak sedar diintai bahaya.

Mahalkan harga diri anda. Semakin sukar anda dimiliki semakin mahal nilai anda di sisi lelaki. Lelaki perosak hanya inginkan kuasa memiliki tetapi tidak mahu setia apalagi memelihara dan melindungi anda. Usah terperangkap ke dalam tangan yang hanya akan meleraikan warna-warna anda. Setelah warna- warna itu hilang anda dibiarkan. Jadilah wanita angun yang punya nilai dan maruah diri, anda akan lebih dihormati. Nilai anda bukan terletak pada berapa ramai lelaki yang ingin memiliki anda tetapi berapa ramai yang benar-benar sanggup menyintai anda. Cinta itu terjemahan pada kasih sayang dan belaian sayang penuh ikhlas. Selama mana anda belum menemuinya anggaplah diri anda masih berhak terbang bebas bagaikan sang rama-rama.

Jadilah rama-rama yang mengindahkan alam, jadilah wanita yang membanggakan semua orang.

my day out


went to mid valley n da garden...




maybe upload it tomorrow...
all wit aina...
her phone is doing good


Sunday 25 January 2009

best of luck my dear...we3~~

not me...
that for sure...
but, my fiend...
congratulation ma dear...
i'm so excited to
hear her story so0n...



be positive +++

If anyone talks to me badly I will stay away and try to be calm

If anyone tells me the truth I will accept and do not ever regret

If anyone hurts my heart I will stay calm and pray

If anyone gives me hope I will hold and do not keep it at bay

If anyone looks down on me I will take it easy and strengthen my heart

If anyone loses their temper I will take a deep breath and be quite


if anyone needs my help I will lend my hand and do the best
I care for everyone's feeling and desire.

dont noe


Narumi Isozaki

bicara buat gadisku...;)

Seorang gadis itu...
Yang lembut fitrah tercipta, halus kulit, manis tuturnya, lentur hati ... telus wajahnya, setelus rasa membisik di jiwa, di matanya cahaya, dalamnya ada air, sehangat cinta, sejernih suka, sedalam duka, ceritera hidupnya ...

Seorang gadis itu ...
hatinya penuh manja, penuh cinta, sayang semuanya, cinta untuk diberi ... cinta untuk dirasa ...
namun manjanya bukan untuk semua, bukan lemah, atau kelemahan dunia ... ia bisa kuat, bisa jadi tabah, bisa ampuh menyokong, pahlawan-pahlawan dunia ... begitu unik tercipta, lembutnya bukan lemah, tabahnya tak perlu pada jasad yang gagah ...

Seorang gadis itu ...
teman yang setia, buat Adam dialah Hawa, tetap di sini ... dari indahnya jannah, hatta ke medan dunia, hingga kembali mengecap ni'matNya ...

Seorang gadis itu ...
bisa seteguh Khadijah, yang suci hatinya, tabah & tenang sikapnya, teman lah-Rasul, pengubat duka & laranya ... bijaksana ia, menyimpan ílmu, si teman bicara, dialah Áishah, penyeri taman Rasulullah, dialah Hafsah, penyimpan mashaf pertama kalamullah ...

Seorang gadis itu ...
bisa setabah Maryam, meski dicaci meski dikeji, itu hanya cerca manusia, namun sucinya ALLah memuji ... seperti Fatimah kudusnya, meniti hidup seadanya, puteri Rasulullah ... kesayangan ayahanda, suaminya si panglima agama, di belakangnya dialah pelita, cahya penerang segenap rumahnya, ummi tersayang cucunda Baginda ... bisa dia segagah Nailah, dengan dua tangan tegar melindung khalifah, meski akhirnya bermandi darah, meski akhirnya khalifah rebah, syaheed menyahut panggilan Allah.

seorang gadis itu ...

perlu ada yang membela, agar ia terdidik jiwa, agar ia terpelihara ... dengan kenal Rabbnya, dengan cinta Rasulnya ... dengan yakin Deennya, dengan teguh áqidahnya, dengan utuh cinta yang terutama, Allah jua RasulNya, dalam ketaatan penuh setia . pemelihara maruah dirinya, agama, keluarga & ummahnya ...

Seorang gadis itu ...
melenturnya perlu kasih sayang, membentuknya perlu kebijaksanaan, kesabaran dan kemaafan, keyakinan & penghargaan, tanpa jemu & tanpa bosan, memimpin tangan, menunjuk jalan ...

Seorang gadis itu ...
yang hidup di alaf ini, gadis akhir zaman, era hidup perlu berdikari ... dirinya terancam dek fitnah, sucinya perlu tabah, cintanya tak boleh berubah, tak bisa terpadam dek helah, dek keliru fikir jiwanya, kerna dihambur ucapkata nista, hanya kerana dunia memperdaya ... kerna seorang gadis itu, yang hidup di zaman ini ... perlu teguh kakinya, mantap iman mengunci jiwanya, dari lemah & kalah, dalam pertarungan yang lama ... dari rebah & salah, dalam perjalanan mengenali Tuhannya, dalam perjuangan menggapai cinta, ni'mat hakiki seorang hamba, dari Tuhan yang menciptakan, dari Tuhan yang mengurniakan, seorang gadis itu ... anugerah istimewa kepada dunia!

Seorang gadis itu ...

tinggallah di dunia, sebagai ábidah, dahípayah & mujahidah, pejuang ummah ... anak ummi & ayah, muslimah yang solehah ... kelak jadi ibu, membentuk anak-anak ummah, rumahnya taman ilmu, taman budi & ma'rifatullah ...

Seorang gadis itu ...
moga akan pulang, dalam cinta & dalam sayang, redha dalam keredhaan, Tuhan yang menentukan ... seorang gadis itu dalam kebahagiaan! Moga lah-Rahman melindungi, merahmati dan merestui, perjalanan seorang gadis itu ... menuju cintaNYA yang ABADI

Pengakuan lelaki tentang Wanita

Kami sulit menahan pandangan mata kami
ketika melihat kalian,
apalagi jika kalian diamanahkan Allah
kecantikan dan postur yand ideal,
kami semakin susah untuk menolak agar tidak melihat kalian,
kerana itu lebarkanlah serta longgarkanlah pakaian kalian
dan tutupilah rambut hingga ke dada kalian dengan kerudung yang membentang.

Kami sulit menahan pendengaran kami
ketika berbicara dengan kalian,
apalagi jika kalian diamanahkan oleh Allah
suara yang merdu dengan irama yang mendayu
kerana itu tegaskanlah suara kalian
tatkala berbicara di berhadapan dengan kami
dan berbicaralah seperlunya sahaja.

Kami juga sulit menahan
bayangan-bayangan hati kalian,
ketika kalian dapat menjadi
tempat untuk dicurahkan segala isi hati kami,
waktu luang kami kadangkala akan sering terisi
oleh bayangan-bayangan kalian,
kerana itu janganlah kalian membiarkan kami
menjadi curahan hati bagi kalia

Kami tahu kami insan lemah
bila harus berhadapan dengan kalian,
kekerasan hati kami dengan mudah bisa luluh
hanya dengan senyum kalian,
hati kami akan bergetar
ketika mendengar dan melihat kalian menangis.

Sungguh ALLAH telah memberikan amanah terindah kepada kalian,
maka jagalah amanah itu
jangan sampai ALLAH murka dan memberikan keputusan-Nya.

Maha Besar dan Maha Suci Allah yang tahu
akan kelemahan hati kami ini,
hanya dengan ikatan yang suci dan yang diredhai-NYA,
kalian akan menjadi halal bagi kami.

"LAlu apa yang telah aku lakukan selama ini..YA Rabb, ampunilah daku.
Untuk setiap pandangan yang tak terjaga,
untuk iman yang tak dipelihara,
lisan yang merayu dan hati yang tak terhijab,

Ya Rabb, Engkaulah mengawasi kami setiap detik,
kerana kasih sayangMu ya Allah kepada kami,
Engkau perintahkanlah malaikan silih berganti
menemani kami siang dan malam
agar iman kami dapat dijaga...

the paradoxical commanments

People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered.
Love them anyway.

If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
Do good anyway.

If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
Succeed anyway.

The good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow.
Do good anyway.

Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
Be honest and frank anyway.

The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway.

People favor underdogs but follow only top dogs.
Fight for a few underdogs anyway.

What you spend years building may be destroyed overnight.
Build anyway.

People really need help but may attack you if you do help them.
Help people anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness, there may be jealousy;
Be happy anyway.

Give the world the best you have and you’ll get kicked in the teeth.
Give the world the best you have anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them anyway.

Saturday 24 January 2009

Lyrics | James Taylor - Our Town lyrics




23rd Jan 09

1st- it was a great day becoz

I went home for mid sem holiday

I’m so happy


But, suddenly, on bus

I’m yet too be sad

Becoz someone passed away


Datuk Ali

My late grandfather’s bro

Since my grandpa gone,

I still have another one..

That was datuk ali..

They were a lot of similar in them…

But, becoz,

Of me myself,

I didn’t visit him at all…

Maybe bcoz



I’m not pretty sure…


Thursday 22 January 2009




mereka sudah pulang

saya pulang esok...

saya agak



i just

i just found out
it is just a

sad love story...

between him and her

gud luck

Love is the flower of life, and blossoms unexpectedly and without law, and must be plucked where it is found, and enjoyed for the brief hour of its duration.

kami kini bunga...

hari nie kite ckp pasal bunga
sekarang sume nak jd bunga
ak pon xtaw camne leh sesat
name bunga nie klasik sket
cam org zaman dulu2...
ntah la...
pekene la ngn dorng ..

well, well,well
kalo nie ma blog, jadi byk la bunga jasnime ye...
oop0s, saya xgune melati...

salha, pasni ko jgn lupe taw...

orkeed a.k.a Nisa...
xbleh blah

morning glory nie
a.k.a tasneem

chempaka la sekarang
a.k.a atie...
parti b**h

ok, nie name nyer dahlia

nie melati
ataw jasmine
asl tah bg ak melati..
ikan je kot yg panggil...

Wednesday 21 January 2009

ma day

yesterday, i cant access thru
so, just do editing...
kindda of bored dat time..
i did alot of editing
but its not
suitable to show...
maybe someone will be angry
and i need to respect them..

nie, gambo ak jew..

사랑은 세상을 돌아가게하게하지 않습니다.
사랑이 뭔지 태워 풀렸네.

어떤 친구입니까?
두사 람의 신체에 사는 하나의 영혼이다.

Tuesday 20 January 2009


Last night I had a discussion with someone.

Talking about LIFE

Well, I do take life as an opportunity

As I always think like I gonna be dead

So, before I died, why not I do things that

Gonna satisfied me

I’m sorry to her your story

Like a little kid you act

I know this is because

Do had been treated such that way

Don’t worry

Life is for successor who eager to move forward

Dear little friend,

Don’t worry

Don’t take too much about what people talking about you

You can’t prevent their mouth talking about such nonsense

It’s a stupid and unethical action

Just feel sorry to them

All you need to do is

Believe in yourself

And think about your own future

And don’t worry about the disaster

The challenge will be some of the

Spice in your life

Be wise and trust the One

Monday 19 January 2009


hi there...
i gonna be home this week...
wat 2 be done???
1. relaxing...mind full wit bushes rite now...
2. hang out wit ma fellow unstoppable
3.i want to buy a cake...
4.finish up my assgmnt

urm...extually, i wanna do a load even a trillion o work...
just do my best...

i just love my life...we3~~~

Saturday 17 January 2009


today is Saturday...
things that i gonna do??
based from the planned,

go to village mall n pemborng tudung bawal...

arr marie la kite borong
esok pon cuti..
sbub birthday sultan kedah...
hari xsepenat semlam..
malm td tido awal...
kol 11.30 dah shut down...
xtaw plak kol bape syafa kuar

Friday 16 January 2009

this week...

minggu nie..agak bz...
AGM, election, and sehari bersama part 1
bru je abis td...
best dan sgt penat...
dah la mlm td, tdo kol 6.10am n bangun kol 6.50am...
sebab ape..
sebab tgk cd korea...
sgt best..
'sweet spy'
cube la korang tgk..

nie some flash back yer...

nie amek dalam kol 7.30am
tyme nie steady lg..
xngantuk sgt

dak p1 sem nie sgt la sikit..
hanya ader 39 org..
yang datang 29...
yang lain lesap!!
tyme nie dorg tgh dengar penerangan...
ak pon bukan dengar sgt..
nilah tyme ngantuk tahap gaban....

pesal la dorg tu runsing semacam...
dah la berbaris...
excelli, dorng nie accountant syarikat...
main pe...ntah la...

nie name die,
mini stock board..
hanya ada di bilik seminar sahaja ye...
stock broker adalah kami2..
yang taw nak duit jew...
nie la no dorg....
ramai yg rugi wo0o0....


Annual Grand Meeting

barisan Ajk ak yang tgh pening...
kami nyer agm stat lambat..
ada pengacau yg terhormat
dari depan
syafiq a.k.a x-ydp mpp, paan, anna, dan baju putih tu yana si dekan

yb beb,,,...
die tgh bermanifesto...
ade yg dipersetujui, dan ader kene bangkang idop2...
cekal kan hati yer syafiq...
ala, syafiq lagi
btw, congrates bro..
alhamdulillah die menang..
walau seorg je dak dbs yg bertanding...

dan saya amat puas hati...

mereka tgh dengr manifsto dak DIB
xtaw la name dak 2 sape...


ninggu depan kiter tgk lak pe aktvti lagi ye..!!

16th Jan

hari ni, hari jadi baba...


my dad already 47 this year
may all the efforts and dreams come true...

Thursday 15 January 2009


Je veux être le plus riche au monde
Je veux aider mes religions ...



Now i need to focus more on LV
why i choose Lv??
becoz, it will give me alot of infozz
so someday, i will be the espected buyer

the presentation will be made...
international business
and yesterdy,
nisa presented about estee lauder
damn scared...
unexpected question....
need to prepare very well
o i will throw in the well...


the gigantic briefcase
in UK

LV, Tokyo..
i'm not realize it when i went there...

the most common symbol of

ermmm....the expensive show the class in the society...
i want to have many of the real LV brand someday...
if others can, why cannot me..

Wednesday 14 January 2009



Jestem smutny



wat had going on this week??~~

AGM meeting already settle...
hebat la...xmao wat lagi..
dah la semalam lambat..
ader la org 2, nak cam 2 la cam ni la..
last2, meeting agm ak yg lambat..
nasib baik la dak DBS sangat sempoi n sportng
long live for dbs...

ermm...dis thrusday, is election
so vote to da dbs representative k...

pas2 lak....
minggu nie lak ader sehari bersama part 1
but, it seems i cant manage to go..
sorry ye farid...
xpe, pape hal nant sy inform...
saya ader hal ngn mereka yg laen..

ahad nie cuti....
kalo ikutkan, xla terasa cuti sgt, sbub
ari ahad kelas kol 4ptg...
damn bad...
kol 4, bru la nak gerakkan minda..
dah la kelas research metdlogy...




When I think back about my post, I started to question myself

Where right, I’m in the highest position in a club

It made me come out with the ideas of natural human being

Honestly, at the beginning, I did crack out my head…

It was about tiny little thing

Where, there I cried, I hate and being hated and I was single-handedly

Friends, honestly didn’t understand the situation much

The suffering one is

à ME


Then, I saw my utmost forever motivator

àMy dad

He is my preferred one because I do enter the post where he understands

We did make a discussion and ideas

Where both parties can participate

I did tell him all the problems…

And he gave me the ideas…

To a certain extent, it may see odd…

But, yes…

I’m dealing with people

Where the are thousand surprising behaviors

What a real world…


And I do also have the most excellent motivator

àMy mum

Practically, about life and girl thing will be discussed...we3~~

Mama, nanti balik along citer..he3~~


Dear All,

At the beginning, I take the post too much. I do mind about what people say. I seize too much when they are comparing me with the committee before. I do make me sick and hurt. I did cry frequently. I do worried when the programmed is running slow, not approve, having problems. I feel scratchy when the lecturer asking about due date, friends doing silly thing. Huh, SICK

I’m afraid when people talk bad about me. I know it is impossible where people not saying anything. It is LIAR.

I try to make a modification. I try to be variety and understanding others situation.

Sadly, they do take advantage on me.

But, now, I do have my own belief. Yes, right now I’m the president

And, all I need to do is doing my entire job. I don’t need to take care too much about the noise surround me. Full stop

At the end, if I can handle it wisely, or not,

I will accept it…never regret

If I can do differences, it is good. If not, taking this lesson to grow...we3~

I do believe in life, we need to learn. This post has taught me much about being a leader.

Being the best is not trouble-free as many people think. Try to be one, and you will be aware of.


My life...

Starting this week, I will buzz like bees…

All the programmed need to be accomplished

Btw, this gonna be my post…


And, right now, I need to enjoy all surrounding me, with burlesque joyfulness and cheerfulness

Business activities/?

Insyaallah, on the run


Ha, besides that, I had designed superbly business club lanyard and sticker


I don’t care what all of you saying behind..

But, you talk without the finale

And me, I got the design

People tend to give a lot of comment…

I know, comment is common

But, the way the people deliver will make me accept it or not…

Saturday 10 January 2009

we are...

da best ever made picture
between me n my lovely friends...
they are syuhada, aina n mimi


pic taken--> genting
wit syikin..

أصدقائي الأعزاء ،
ربما نسيت أن أقول مرحبا
بل نادرا ما ترسل لكم جميعا رسالة
الحب هو في الداخل
هذا لا يعني ان دون ان تظهر
حب بيننا رحل
أصدقاء ،
نحن نعرف بعضنا البعض منذ فترة طويلة
والكثير من الاشياء التى نشترك فيها معا
نحن نقبل الجيدة والسيئة في أنفسنا
وبسبب ذلك
نجحنا في بناء هذه العلاقة..



dear friends,
maybe i forgot to say hello
even rarely sending all of you a message
love is inside
it does not mean that without showing
the love between us is gone
we know each other for so long
and alot of things we share together
we accept good and bad in ourselves
and because of that
we successfully build this relationship..

i love you...

venner - ->friends

You have to learn the rules of the game.
And then you have to play better than anyone else.
- A Love is like a friendship caught on fire.
In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering.
As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable.

after interview
at paramount

dbs 2c
ladies day out

5a..while taking take 5..actually it was taking 15min

Jeg elsker mine venner

Friday 9 January 2009

she lost the train again

She lost the train again

Where it was the last

Destination for the day

But still she always relaxed even can laugh out loud

Towards the time

She, whom I know,

Like a little passer by

Who still in the dual unclear path

Walking no where but

Still acting like have a clear vision

To reach a place where

The heart and soul can be expressed

And still

Her face do not show any worries

Even a lot of important thing unsolved

She still can enjoy herself

Even the world told lies

She can dream deeply

Even her heart not survive

She is empty

Inside and outside

She never has any shoulder to cry on

Even walking day and night without company

She had changed before

But she off when the world left her outside alone

us against the world..we3~~

vi er best

the transformation of name as the time passd by

nurul izzati
21years old(2009)

from left-->> IZZAT, Adib
8years old(2009)
izzat said, wearing the pink school uniform is cute..
i know what type of person he gonna be
his characteristic is awesome

izz zaharin
0o0o..still dont know the real world
he is only 5 to 6 months beb..
he is cute..
Having the Greatness of the Creator in your mind would make you realize the insignificance of the creatures in your view.

Thursday 8 January 2009

after suffering

i went out
after suffering dying yesterday afternoon
not more than 20minutes in ro0m
then i went out..
with atie, nani, salha n dayah
with persona..we3~~its atie's
to tesco, and cs...
actually i wanna settle down about the sticker and lanyard
but, it was a wrong shop given by them..
so, i bought perfume...
3of them..
2 for me and 1 is jia's

Japanese cherry blossom

its body shop only..

while stock last
limited edition

in top heel...

she confused

Do not give up hope if the answer to your request is slow in coming,
for surely what you receive depends on the strength of your request.

it's variety...

Truth resides in every human heart,
and one has to search for it there,
and to be guided by truth as one sees it.
But no one has a right to
coerce others to act according to his own view of the truth.

しかし、 1つは右にしている

Sannheten ligger i hver menneskelig hjerte,
og en har for å søke etter det der,
og å bli guidet av sannhet som man ser det.
Men ingen har rett til å
tvinge andre til å handle i henhold til sin egen oppfatning av sannheten.

الحقيقة تكمن في قلب كل إنسان ،
واحد للبحث عنه هناك ،
ويجب أن تكون مبنية على الحقيقة كما يراها واحدة.
ولكن لا أحد له الحق في
إكراه الآخرين على التصرف وفقا لرأيه الخاص للحقيقة.

La vérité se trouve au cœur de tout homme,
et l'on a à la recherche pour cela,
et d'être guidés par la vérité que l'on voit qu'elle.
Mais personne n'a le droit de
contraindre les autres à agir selon sa propre vision de la vérité.

Wednesday 7 January 2009


its someone's bufday...
it goes to mira...
we celebrated it around 1215
lil bit late
due to technical prob...
here, some pic only...

she turned to 21..(sijil fesko pon nak glamer gak..we3~~)

late nite snack....

when this pic taken, kindda of cool..
it's remind me to the nannny mc phee movie..


عيد ميلاد سعيد ميرا