i expect nothing great on my birthday
am I?
but, like Wise Man say
expect the unexpected
And she starts to believe
as she will conquer
where she is now making a move
where the dream is not just a dream
And she will rise upon all..
-She may be a dreamer, but she is not dreaming-
A warm welcome
To My dearest November
All my life
I had been looking for something,
and everywhere I turned someone tried to tell me what it was.
I accepted their answers too,
though they were often in contradiction and even self-contradictory.
I was naïve.
I was looking for myself and asking everyone except myself questions which I,
and only I, could answer.
It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with:
that I am nobody but myself.
~Ralph Ellison, "Battle Royal"
Truth at last cannot be hidden.
Dissimulation is of no avail.
Dissimulation is to no purpose before so great a judge.
Falsehood puts on a mask.
Nothing is hidden under the sun.
"In the heavens there is calmness
and on the earth there is beauty.
In the gardens there is freshness
and in you there is a sign.
In the sea there is might
and in the air there is nourishment.
Take from all this comfort for your soul
and recovery for your mind.
And do not waste your time by being unmindful,
this will shield you from good
and lead you to evil."
- Hasan al-Banna -
To be apart of a family like mine
is so divine
where love is shown
hurt is shared
our love for each other is never impaired
we talk
we laugh
we cry
but we are a family
and we do it all together
for as a family
we do it all as one
you hurt one
you hurt all
and as a family unit
we will all stand tall
for we are family
a family full of strength
a family full of love
a family no one can touch
that, s why I love my family so much.
The morning wind spreads its fresh smell.
We must get up and take that in,
that wind that lets us live.
Breathe before it's gone.