The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours - it is an amazing journey - and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.
Bob Moawad~

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Come Clean

Hi there,

COme CLean,

i love the song by Hillary Duff..

but, i'm not here talking bout the song, but it have similarity..

Clean or in Bahasa Melayu known as BERSIH

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For the past weeks ago,The “Perhimpunan Bersih” had been the hit news for all media massa. BERSIH 2.0 has been actively advocating electoral reform but our demands have fallen on deaf ears. The time has come for those mandated to administer the nation to “listen to the voices of the rakyat”. There is a clamour worldwide for greater democratisation of societies and we would invite those in power to heed those voices.

In this light, BERSIH 2.0 has decided to organise a rally: Perhimpunan BERSIH 2.0

The demands of the rally are:

-Clean the electoral roll

-Reform postal vote

-Use indelible ink

-Free & fair access to media

-Minimum 21 days campaign period

-Strengthen public institutions

-Stop corruption

-Stop dirty politics

If we can see, the mission, its kind of correct. But the question is, will it be held peacefully and harmony? To handle thousands of people need hard works!!

And of coz, it is organized not by the government body as there were many objections and dissatisfactions shown by the government. Well, I will not blame them as people had their own personal view towards something

But, when the Perhimpunan had been banned where there will be trucks of police will be guarding them, people will ask themselves why?? Due to the action that will be taken, citizen will become more curious to know about it. Some people don’t have any intention to be part of the perhimpunan, but the curiosity to know will make them come. Here, the authority must know how to win people heart. The more you say no or criticize, the more people want to know story from the other side. It is somehow the reverse psychology that need to note.

If we see past history from other countries, many Perhimpunan brought tremendous harm. I hope all the people can think the best solution from any bad things happen.

I think action should be taken from both side, the Authority and Bersih Committee..

If both side can give the reasons why it should be held or shouldn't, people will know to choose the best =)

Be more ethical

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